Common Concerns About Converting to Solar Energy
Switching to solar energy is a significant decision, and many homeowners have understandable concerns. Below, we address these common hesitations and provide clear explanations to ease uncertainties. Paired with each concern is a suggested graphical icon to help convey the message visually.
1. High Upfront Costs
- Concern: Many people worry about the initial investment in solar panels, installation, and equipment. Even with the promise of savings, the upfront cost can feel daunting.
- Solution: with zero down and no money out-of-pocket programs, you’ll be amazed at the wide range of finance options you have available at your feet. You can finance where you own the whole system for low interest rate as low as 4.9% for the term of the loan of 25 years where your monthly payment stays the same for 25 years, which can’t be said for your power bill. If your power bill is currently $120 a month with just 4% escalator to adjust for inflation at the rate of the cost of living in 25 years that $120 payment becomes $496! Can you believe it? So do you wanna wait until the payment becomes unbearable or do you think you should take action now?
- there are many other financial options, such as leasing the system, which is the same as renting the panels, but they produce electricity from solar at a much lower rate than what you’re currently paying on your power bill. And there is also power purchase agreements where a third-party will give you the money to install solar and you pay them a pre-negotiated rate for the solar power is produced by your system, which is still way lower than your power company bill and definitely overtime will not increase.
2. Long Payback Period
- Concern: Homeowners often fear it will take decades to recover their investment through energy savings.
- Solution: your solar system has a lifespan of at least 25 years. The average warranty is 25 to 30 years! Obviously how long it takes you to recoup your investment would vary on the size of projects and whether or not you borrowed money for a roof repair or other home improvement along with your solar package, but typically the payback is in less than 12 years. And don’t forget that check that you paid to the power company every month goes to the power company it doesn’t benefit you. But when you embark on a major home improvement that check do you pay to pay for the home? Improvement goes directly to you in the form of equity and increased home value. By doing away with the power bill most homeowners have saved in excess of $30,000.
3. Roof Suitability Concerns
- Concern: People doubt if their roof’s angle, material, or condition is compatible with solar panels.
- Solution: Professional assessments are part of the process. Even if the roof isn’t ideal, options like ground-mounted systems or structural upgrades exist. We even have some cases where we paid for a new roof with the solar package.
4. Maintenance and Reliability Worries
- Concern: Solar systems are perceived as high-maintenance or prone to frequent breakdowns.
- Solution: Solar panels require minimal maintenance (e.g., occasional cleaning) and often come with warranties covering 20+ years. Dependent upon your installer many installations come with maintenance warranties, or for example, they’ll send someone out to clean off the dust or brush off the snow. Remember, solar panels have literally no moving parts.
5. Misinformation or Lack of Knowledge
- Concern: Misconceptions, such as “solar doesn’t work in cloudy areas” or “panels don’t last long,” discourage interest.
- Solution: there are a lot of myths regarding the efficacy of solar panels. Technology has changed tremendously, just even over the last five years and continues to improve. And unfortunately, a lot of these solar myths results from Ellen informed consumers who’ve never had solar. Good design engineering will take into account if you live in a region that has a lot of snow fog or clouds. It’s all in the initial engineering and design of the system. The best your needs. And yes, some people for victim to unscrupulous sales people. Solar panels work in various climates, and modern technology ensures durability and efficiency.
6. Aesthetic Concerns
- Concern: Some homeowners feel solar panels will disrupt their home’s aesthetic appeal or clash with the neighborhood’s look.
- Solution: aesthetics are important, but the reason the maybe solar panels may or may not look good on the home is because you haven’t seen that many. Know that a home that converts to solar reduces its carbon footprint and is the equivalent of planting 100 trees every year for the years that the solar is operational. Don’t you think that’s doing something good for the planet and just because you’re not used to seeing solar on your roof it doesn’t mean it looks ugly. In fact, the opposite it shows your neighbors and people who pass by that you care about the environment, and you care about our planet Earth. What nobler thing can you do but to reduce your carbon footprint and be part of the renewable energy revolution. Modern, low-profile designs and integration options, such as all-black panels or solar shingles, that blend more seamlessly.
7. Fear of Technology
- Concern: Managing new technology, like solar inverters, battery storage, or monitoring apps, can feel intimidating.
- Solution: there are mobile apps to load on your phone that have user-friendly interfaces to monitor your power output and solar panel efficiencies. Most systems operate automatically, requiring little to no intervention, and if they do, just call the technician. I mean when there’s something wrong with your car, do you fix it yourself or do you take it to the shop?
8. Uncertainty About Moving
- Concern: Homeowners worry about investing in solar if they plan to move within a few years.
- Solution: Solar often increases property value and can make homes more attractive to buyers, I mean, how happy would you be to have a home that does not have a power bill that keeps increasing every year and then you have no control over? Look at installing solar like a home improvement. The installing solar is a definite home improvement not only does it increase the value of your home, makes it easier to sell and faster to sell by the way, but with current rebates and property tax exclusions, you are safeguarded against paying higher taxes on the increase of your home evaluation. This varies on a state-by-state basis, so be sure to conduct your homework first. Many systems can also be transferred or removed if necessary.
9. Skepticism About Savings
- Concern: People doubt if the promised energy savings will truly materialize or outweigh the investment.
- Solution: I talked to homeowners who have installed solar all the time. Yes, not everybody is happy, but after talking to me, I can generally remedy their situation and turn them into happy solar customers. They just happen to be a victim of poor solar sales tactics. For example, I spoke to a fellow from Maine the other day and his panels weren’t producing as much energy as they should because they were covered in snow so at that time, he was not happy when I told him that the company he works with as a service that will come out and clean the snow off of his panels. He lit up and was happy again. Sometimes it’s a function of perspective. But the one thing you and I both know that monthly bill that you get for solar installation is gonna stay the same for the next 25 years, unlike your power bill, which will definitely quadruple or pentuple by then.
10. Complexity of Incentives and Permits
- Concern: Navigating tax credits, rebates, and local permits can seem overwhelming.
- Solution: this is why you should deal with reputable solar companies because they handle all the complexities andhandle most of the paperwork while guiding you the homeowner through the process step-by-step.
Switching to solar energy is less intimidating and more approachable for homeowners.